FRSA’s Position Statement on a Voice to Parliament

Only two weeks and four days to the FRSA National Conference! We are excited (and a tiny bit frazzled) here at FRSA headquarters as we work through our checklist, and conference paraphernalia builds up around us. This year, in the interests of environmental sustainability, we’ve pared back on printed materials and conference mementos, but we still have a lot of gear that’s been unearthed from our storeroom to take up to the Gold Coast.

We are thrilled to include details on our two conference panels in this eBulletin edition – The Early years: giving every child the best start in life on Tuesday 16 May, and Upholding children’s rights in the family law system: Are we doing enough? on Wednesday 17 May. You can read more about these plenary panel sessions below. And, it’s not too later to register for the Conference!

On 14 April 2023, the FRSA Board endorsed the FRSA Position Statement on a Voice to Parliament. FRSA’s vision for reconciliation is an Australia in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families and communities are safe, recognised, respected and valued.

We are committed to actively listening to the experiences, perspectives and knowledge of First Nations peoples. To this end, FRSA supports a Voice to Parliament, which we see as integral to ensuring that the wisdom, views and experiences of First Nations peoples are truly heard and inform policy and legislative change on matters that affect them. The FRSA Position Statement is included below.

Jackie Brady will be back on deck on 3 May after a well-deserved break in Europe. As always, please do reach out to the FRSA Office if we can assist in any way – 02 6162 1811.

Read the full eBulletin