Strategic Plan 2023-27
This Strategic Plan outlines FRSA’s vision, overarching national priorities and the strategic directions we’ll take to achieve them.
Reconciliation Action Plan 2023 - 2025
This is the continuation of a significant journey for FRSA and its members. We have worked hard to ensure that the good intentions with which we began have been translated into practical strategies and actions that we and our members can commit to. FRSA invites you to distribute the plan through your organisation and broader networks.
FRSA Annual Reports
FRSA Annual Report 2023-24
FRSA’s annual reports provide an overview of FRSA’s activities during each 12 month period (July-June). This includes program activity and evaluation, policy and advocacy, research, events and the financial report for that period.
Reconciliation Action Plan 2010-2013
Mr Tom Calma, former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner officially launched the FRSA Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) on Tuesday 23 March 2010 in Canberra.