Being Brave: The role of the FDRP in Child-Inclusive FDR
The importance of giving children a voice within FDR is widely supported, but what does it take for Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners (FDRPs) to effectively include children? While the role of the Child Consultant has received attention there has been less emphasis on the importance of the FDRP. In this presentation experienced practitioners share their reflections on why FDRPs do not regularly include children in FDR processes. To give children a voice, FDRPs need courage to share their case and appreciation of their continuing role throughout CIP. Ultimately the partnership between mediator and child consultant is critical to bringing safe, meaningful child inclusion to the heart of FDR.
Belinda Taranto and Bianca Roche-Bolger will outline pivotal aspects of their working relationship as an FDRP and Child Consultant at Relationships Australia NSW. They will share illustrative case studies of their work within the RANSW facilitative model of FDR; and explore what they have learnt about the role the FDRP plays in promoting, assessing and facilitating Child Inclusive FDR. They will finally discuss their views on what motivates and enables FDRPs to work within the CIP multi-disciplinary model and invite reflection on the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for this work.
This presentation will be relevant to both FDRPs who have not worked with a Child Consultant, and experienced practitioners who might be interested in reflecting on their role within a CIP and how to work better with their relationships and referrals.
Bianca is a Social Worker, FDRP, Child Consultant and Nationally Accredited Mediator. Bianca is on the Board of Collaborative Professionals NSW. Currently working with Relationships Australia NSW as the Team Leader of the Macquarie Park FRC. Bianca is also in private practice as an FDRP, Child Consultant and Collaborative Coach.