FRSA is pleased to announce that we will be continuing to deliver Communities of Practice (CoP) discussions in 2024-25 and are opening up more spaces for participants!
We invite program managers and senior practitioners from providers of the five programs below, which are funded under the Department’s ‘Families and Children’ Activity, to express their interest in joining our online Community of Practice (CoP) discussions:
- Family & Relationship Services (FaRS)
- Specialised Family Violence Services (SFVS)
- Family Mental Health Support Services (FMHSS)
- Child & Parenting Services (CaPS)/Budget Based Funded (BBF)
- Communities for Children Facilitating Partners (CfC FP)
To express your interest in participating in a CoP, please follow this link.
Note: if you have been participating in one of the CoP groups over 2023-24 you do not need to register your interest.
If you have any questions about the CoPs please contact the CoPs Project Officer, Lisa Curtis on 02 6162 1811 or
Expressions of interest close COB Friday 2 August 2024.
These CoP sessions are delivered with the support of the Australian Institute of Family Studies and funded by the Department of Social Services.