Strategic Leadership Forum 2023 coming up

I am delighted to advise that we have received confirmation from the Attorney-General’s office that he will be attending the Opening Breakfast of the FRSA Strategic Leadership Forum on the morning of 12 September 2023. With so much going on in the family law space at present, it will be great to have the Hon. Mark Dreyfus join CEOs and Senior Executives from the sector at this event – especially in a sitting week! We will keep you updated on the speaker line-up for this Member Only event.

We have been actively working with the Centre for International Economics to finalise the FRSA Cost Benefit Analysis Report in preparation of its release at the Strategic Leadership Forum.  This Report itself has a clear focus on those programs within the Families and Children Activity (FaC) funded by DSS and the Family Law Services funded by the Attorney-General’s Department.  At a time when the ALP’s election commitment to support and strengthen Australian charities and NFPs is gaining momentum, this report will provide vital input to conversations about the value and contribution family and relationship services in particular make to their clients, to their funders and to society more generally.  All the hard work that services have been putting into data collection and evaluation over the last few years certainly provides a strong and compelling evidence base underpinning the Report and I can’t wait for its release!

The Treasurer, the Hon Jim Chalmers has just released (literally) the ‘Measuring what Matters: Australia’s First Wellbeing Framework’.

In that document he reiterates the Government’s commitment ‘to refining the Framework over time, so that we properly take account of changing public perspectives and developments in how we collect, analyse and use data’.  I believe the CIE Report will also provide some valuable insights for the Government in its ongoing development and refinement of the Wellbeing Framework.

We have also just closed the Expressions of Interest timeframe for the extended Communities of Practice Pilot (funded by AIFS and DSS) and are grateful to the sector for their enthusiastic response.  We will be working on finalising the groupings over the next day or two and will be coming out to those who expressed interest with details about the first round of Community of Practice meetings that will be starting up in late August.

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