D1.2 Working with a Correctional Cohort – Maintaining Healthy and Respectful Relationships


Donna Plavljanic
Relationships Australia Victoria
Wednesday 17 May 2023

Time: 2:50pm – 3:20pm

Room: Room 5

D1.2 Partnering and Cohabitation

Working with a Correctional Cohort - Maintaining Healthy and Respectful Relationships


Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) has for the past 5 years been facilitating a series of psycho-educational strengths-based programs, aimed at reconnecting a correctional cohort with their roles as parents with the objective of primary prevention. These programs have been underpinned by starting a conversation around healthy and respectful relationships and understanding how to create and foster healthy and respectful relationships, and its importance in rehabilitating and reintegrating into the community.

These programs include:

LINCS – A strengths-based, one-day psychoeducational workshop specifically designed for offenders who are subject to a Community Correction Order. Workshops are designed to improve participants’ capabilities and strengths and the importance of healthy and respectful relationships, using skills-based activities that identify strategies and supports.

LINCS in Families – A one-day workshop designed to engage individuals in a safe environment with honest discussions around behaviour and healthy relationship habits. Individuals complete the program with a deeper understanding of the importance of understanding behaviour, the different types of relationships and connections we have with our community and family systems.

ATLAS – Module-based program for remandees, educating offenders on personal development and wellbeing strategies to support them in reintegrating back into the community, and in rehabilitation. The modules which form part of this program include healthy and respectful relationships, and primary prevention.

Diffuse – Diffuse is a pilot program being offered within four men’s correctional facilitates, over a 6-session duration, with a focus on a strengths based approach to develop and create healthy and respectful relationships, and reflecting on their strengths and values with a primary prevention lens. It is designed for incarcerated and non-incarcerated individuals, addressing the definition of family violence, providing opportunity for reflection on relationship experiences and exploring what is and isn’t healthy. The program uses trauma-informed practices that provide resources, tools and information to participants.

This session will outline the programs and their content, and discuss some of the observations, successes, opportunities and key reflections that have been identified to continue to support a correctional cohort in their rehabilitation and reintegration into the community.


Donna Plavljanic is the Senior Manager, Training and Development at Relationships Australia Victoria. Donna Plavljanic has led training and education teams for the past 6 years, with a background in working across the corporate and not for profit sector. She is a qualified coach, leadership facilitator and mentor and has led team and projects for over 20 years. She has led policy and advocacy teams and strategies for over 10 years and worked alongside government agencies and regulators. Her current role has included the development and delivery of primary prevention programs across the community services and legal sectors.