FRSA National Conference 2024
Family & Relationship Services
Valued now and into the future
The FRSA National Conference is heralded as a highlight event for the Family and Relationship Services network and is one of the largest annual gatherings of practitioners, academics and policy makers working to support children, families and communities. This ‘not to be missed’ event will feature a number of highly acclaimed keynote presenters, as well as Federal Ministers and sector leaders with a focus on delivering the most effective services to children, families and young people.
As social service organisations we are always at the cutting edge of emerging trends and changes in society – for the FRS sector, especially for vulnerable children, families and communities.
The theme for the FRSA National Conference 2024 – Family & Relationship Services – Valued now and into the future and will be held at the Pullman Melbourne on the Park on 13-16 May 2024.
Each and every day, family and relationship services help facilitate changes in the lives of the children, adults, families and communities they work with. These might be barely perceptible micro-changes. They might be lightbulb moments. They might be multiplier or cascading effects that are difficult to attribute to any one intervention or service. Change, as the saying goes, is the only constant and reflecting on the role our sector plays in facilitating positive change is an important step in understanding where concepts, practices and interventions can be maximised and replicated and where we might explore new possibilities, new ways of thinking and of doing to make the greatest impact.
FRSA and the sector has been investing time and energy in successfully painting a picture of the ‘value’ of our services. Whilst the value of services is presented as a monetary commodity in the cost benefit analysis work, we know that the impacts and benefits underpinning this work brings about real, tangible benefits and changes to people’s lives.
The FRSA National Conference 2024 provides a platform to showcase and learn from on the ground practice and research. It will provide an opportunity to consolidate an understanding of our sector’s ‘value add’ and identify the strengths we can build on and the opportunities we can harness. We welcome you to this gathering – a space to reflect, to share, to inspire and to engage.
This year we will come together to share and explore our sector’s value and our sector’s potential.
We are a rich and diverse society, and we encourage presentations that show our sector’s work with different cohorts and communities – First Nations peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse peoples, people with disability and LGBTQI+ people.
This is an Australian Community Workers Association endorsed CPD event. Members can claim Continuing Professional development (CPD) hours for their participation.
This is a Australian Counselling Association (ACA) recognised OPD event. ACA members can claim 10 OPD points for their participation.
Click the session you're interested in to view the presentation slides from Conference
To read the abstracts or view the PowerPoint presentations from Conference of the presentations, download the PDF version of the program below and click on the session you are interested in.
Please note:
- Program is subject to change
- Optional cost Pre-Conference workshops are on Monday 13 May 2024
- The Conference begins on 14-16 May 2024
Attorney-General, The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP
The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP
Sarina Lacey
Dennis McCarthy
Julia Baird
Tania Farha
Grace Tame
Emily MacLoud
Dr Stewart Muir
Veronica Westacott
Dr Rae Kaspiew
Panel Chair
Judge Alexandra Harland
Karen Bevan
Phillip Ripper
Allison Wainwright
Ash Dargan
Pre-Conference Workshop facilitator
Alison Elliott
Pre-Conference Workshop facilitator
Andrew Metcalfe AO
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Kathleen Denley
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Clare Moran
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Anne-Marie Rice
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
The Hon John Faulks
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Susan Helyar
Pre-Conference Workshop facilitator
Paul Hardcastle
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Sue Christophers
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Camilla Krauze
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Stacey Milbourne
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Clare Moynihan
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Karen Russell
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Karen Field
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Elliott McMahon
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Mengrui Li
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Nicole Dowling
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Lora Chapman-Monte
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Kat Goldsworthy
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Melissa Willoughby
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Sharnee Moore
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
FRSA is proud to launch this sixth e-Journal of peer-reviewed papers from the annual FRSA National Conference.
This e-Journal expands on the FRSA National Conference 2024 theme Family and Relationships Services: Valued now and into the future. This year’s e-Journal features 7 papers – 3 Articles and 4 Practice Insights papers – covering diverse topics that speak to particular cohorts at different stages through the lifecourse. The e-Journal showcases a breadth of practice wisdom, research evidence and insights that reflect our sector’s value and our sector’s potential. The result is an exciting collection of papers that I trust will provoke thought and inspire action across the sector and more broadly.
Click a Conference day to expand and view the photos from the FRSA National Conference 2024.
If you would like a high resolution copy of any of the Conference photos, please contact the FRSA team at
Watch the videos from the Plenary Keynote and Panel sessions from FRSA National Conference 2024 in the below:
Registration for the FRSA 2024 National Conference is now OPEN!
Please note that all persons intending to attend the Conference must register, including invited speakers, chairpersons and media. Please register via the buttons below.
Early Bird Registration Fee* Until 4 March 2024 EXTENDED TO 15 MARCH 2024 CLOSED
Member Rates | Non-Member Rates | |
Complete Conference Experience – Including dinner | $1,095.00 | $1,395.00 |
Conference Only – No dinner | $1,020.00 | $1,320.00 |
* To be entitled to the early bird registration fee you must have registered and paid by 5 March 2024.
Standard Registration Fee From 5 March 2024 16 March 2024
Member Rates | Non-Member Rates | |
Complete Conference Experience – Including dinner | $1,295.00 | $1,595.00 |
Conference Only – No dinner | $1,220.00 | $1,520.00 |
Day Rates From 8 April 2024
Member Rates | Non-Member Rates | |
Tuesday & Wednesday | $450.00 | $515.00 |
Thursday | $375.00 | $415.00 |
Onsite Registration Fee Applicable** From 13 May 2024
Member Rates | Non-Member Rates | |
Complete Conference Experience – Including dinner | $1,445.00 | $1,745.00 |
Conference Only – No dinner | $1,370.00 | $1,670.00 |
**Registration received within this time period prior to the Conference going onsite receive an additional fee of $150.00
Speaker Registration*** opens 18 December 2023 CLOSED
All speakers must be registered by 15 March 2024
Member Rates | Non-Member Rates | |
Speaker Complete Conference Experience – Including dinner | $985.00 | $1,170.00 |
Speaker Conference Only – No dinner | $910.00 | $1,095.00 |
***After 5 March 2024 Standard rates apply to Speakers
Pre-Conference Workshops – FRSA MEMBERS ONLY
Member Rates | |
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Workshop: Dadirri – Ancient Aboriginal Mindfulness Traditions* | $175.00 |
Family Law Workshop (All Day) | $175.00 |
LGBTIQA+ Family Practice | $175.00 |
Using evidence to paint a picture: Finding opportunities for learning, growth and sharing the success of child and family services | $175.00 |
Communities for Children Facilitating Partners (CfC FP) Workshop | $175.00 |
*Please note if not pre-registered for the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Workshop you will NOT be able to register or attend on the day – due to limited spaces
Group Registrations
FRSA is pleased to offer FRSA Members the opportunity to register five (5) participants and receive the sixth registration complimentary. To be eligible for the complimentary registration, you must register your five (5) participants using the link below. Instructions on how to register your complimentary registration will be provided on the confirmation email. Interested in becoming an FRSA Member? Visit our Membership page.
Please note: When registering the 6 for 5, to receive the 6th registration free the same registration type must be purchased for the entire group.
Download a copy of the registration rates.
Need help? Please contact the Conference Secretariat via, or phone on 02 6198 3218.
Pre-conference Workshops will be held on Monday, 13 May 2024, commencing at 10am. This years National Conference will comprise of five workshops. More details on each workshop coming soon. Please note all Pre-Conference Workshops are for FRSA Members only.
Dadirri – Ancient Aboriginal Mindfulness Traditions
The main aim of this workshop is to locate the ancient Aboriginal tradition of mindfulness within the work of trauma recovery in Australia and elsewhere.
The workshop objectives is to introduce participants to and build capacity towards using mindfulness in self-care and in the development of communities of care, and communities of practice in all trauma recovery work.
On completion of this workshop participants should be able to:
- Learn the fundamentals of the practice of Dadirri as an Ancient Mindfulness tradition essential in all trauma recovery – community healing work.
- Recognize the importance of cultural fitness in all community work.
- Use the cultural tradition of mindfulness in self-care and care practice while undertaking trauma recovery work.
- Identify issues of self-awareness and demonstrate the skills of journaling or story mapping as a conscious and cognitive record of the self-awareness, self-reflective process.
- Begin developing the skills and knowledge necessary to enable effective communication in trauma recovery work using symbols, art, and music in storytelling and story-mapping.
- Define and support the development of communities of care.
- Begin developing the skills and knowledge required to implement community development processes for building community-healing networks.
*Please note spaces are limited for this workshop if you are not pre-registered, you will NOT be able to register or attend on the day.
LGBTIQA+ Family Practice
Presenters: Karen Field, CEO, Drummond Street Services, Elliott McMahon, Queerspace Program Manager, Mengrui Li, Queerspace Family Violence Manager and Nicole Dowling, Family Practice Manager Queerspace
The workshop will provide participants with a deep understanding of the multiple risk and protective factors impacting on the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ families, current research and evidence-based practice, designing and delivering effective whole of family approaches and the importance of an inclusive whole of service response. The facilitators will also present our recent research that suggests that when individuals face discrimination related solely to their LGBT identity without additional forms of discrimination, their well-being remained relatively unaffected. This was not the case for individuals who experienced discrimination across a greater number of settings. This indicates the need to apply an intersectional lens for targeted interventions to mitigate the negative effects of discrimination on well-being. The pervasive nature of intersectional discrimination has a profound impact on LGBTIQA+ individuals’ mental health, social connectedness, and financial wellbeing.
The workshop will cover the following:
- Organisational readiness and implementation support: informed by implementation science and organisational readiness literature, and our own evaluative management frameworks.
- Centring of lived experience perspectives: Drummond Street’s team of highly experienced LGBTIQA+ trainers and consultants, who offer their personal and professional experience in service provision and training.
- Whole of Service response: to create not only inclusive processes but also an inclusive family service environment, collective understandings, attitudes, and specialist practice wisdom and models.
- Intersectional person-centred approach: Recognition that people may experience multiple intersecting forms of discrimination, oppression and disadvantage, and that while their gender or sexual orientation are significant, there are other diverse and important parts of a person’s identity to be acknowledged, seen, heard and understood to ensure a positive, safe and effective support service.
- Whole-of-family approaches: Our approach to practice recognises a diverse and inclusive definition of families, and uses the term broadly, as determined by the person themselves. This may include loved ones that are biologically related, ‘family of choice’, parents or other caregivers, partners, children, grandparents and/or other significant relationships in the person’s life. Social networks and friends are also critically important, and are often defined as ‘family’, so it is important that close social relationships are included in considerations when adopting a ‘whole-of-family’ and ‘family as a system’ approaches.
Using evidence to paint a picture: Finding opportunities for learning, growth and sharing the success of child and family services
Presenters: Kat Goldsworthy, Anagha Joshi, Sharnee Moore and Melissa Willoughby, Child and Family Evidence, Australian Institute of Family Studies
This full day workshop will focus on building skills that will help services to identify, assess, interrogate and draw meaning from ‘evidence’ as it relates to the delivery of services and programs. While there are many forms of evidence, in this workshop we will focus on the skills needed to effectively harness external research evidence that is relevant to family and relationship services as well as the data and information that organisations collect about their own programs and services.
In this workshop, participants will learn how to:
- Harness the power of the established body of research evidence, including how to find, appraise and use research evidence for program and service design or re-design.
- Best use of the information collected in their services and programs and how to interrogate and draw meaning from that data to highlight program strengths and identify opportunities for learning, improvement and growth.
- Integrate relevant research evidence and program/client data to paint a detailed picture of a program or service’s value and opportunities for improvement.
The workshop will be interactive and will involve practical elements and discussion.
Why should you attend?
The service delivery environment calls on services to invest time and resources to innovate, explore new ideas and demonstrate they are delivering real benefits to the children and families they serve. Drawing on both existing research evidence and current service information can create powerful opportunities to:
- better understand and showcase a program’s strengths
- support the design or re-design of services and programs
- promote learning and lead to opportunities for service or program growth.
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop will be particularly useful for people who have some oversight of family and relationship services or programs. Their role may require them to create, deliver, adapt or refine programs or services. They may also need to describe the value of their program and service to seek funding and support, or they may need to assess the value of activities that they fund. For example, this workshop may be of interest to team leaders, senior practitioners, clinical supervisors and program managers in child and family services.
Who is this not for?
This workshop is not designed for those who have a lot of research and evaluation experience.
Communities for Children Facilitating Partners (CfC FP) Workshop
This workshop provides a space for Communities for Children Facilitating Partners to reach a shared understanding of the role of the facilitating partner and identify core and measurable community outcomes for the facilitating partner role.
Why is this important? The articulation of the role of the Facilitating Partner (FP) has shifted over time with an emphasis in the program’s guiding documentation on the contract management role of the FP and less focus on the community engagement, connecting and capacity-building dimensions of the FP role. At the same time, external reporting is limited to client-level outcomes. Yet it is this capacity to reach into, make connections and work with communities that is integral to the success of CfC FP as a place-based program. As a national network of CfC FP service providers, there is a need to clearly articulate and build a mechanism for demonstrating and reporting on these outcomes.
The CfC FP National Forum, initiated and lead by the Facilitating Partners National Forum Working Group in Adelaide earlier this year, asked delegates to reflect on refreshing how we communicate what we do and the results we achieve for children and families across Australia. This workshop builds on those conversations.
What you can expect from the workshop:
- An overview of the outcomes of the CfC FP National Forum, shared by Facilitating Partners National Forum Working Group members.
- An understanding of the Department of Social Services’ (DSS) takeaways from the National Forum, as well as an overview of early outcomes from DSS consultative CfC FP discussions, held over April-early May.
- An opportunity to contribute to re-articulating the role of the FP and identifying measurable community outcomes that can demonstrate to government and to CfC FP communities the value of the FP role and the benefits generated in community.
Family Law Workshop
Sponsored by Anglicare WA
With the Family and Relationships Service Program in the midst of the most significant review since it was first established in 2006, family law workshop delegates will have an opportunity to provide input directly to the FRSP Lead Reviewer, Mr Andrew Metcalfe AO, who will be in attendance. Mr Metcalfe has indicated he will be presenting some high level thinking and reflections on the Family law services as part of the workshop but is also keen to hear from participants on the day. With the Review delivery date of 30 June 2024, this workshop provides a prime opportunity to engage, inform and influence.
In the afternoon, the Family Law team from the Attorney General’s Department has assembled a panel to present on the amendments to the Family Law Act which came into effect on 6 May 2024, with particular emphasis on the impact for family law services. The panellists include:
- Kathleen Denley, Assistant Secretary, Family Law Branch, Attorney-General’s Department (facilitator)
- Clare Moran, Senior Advisor Family Law, Relationships Australia Victoria
- Anne Marie-Rice, Senior Judicial Registrar, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
- The Hon John Faulks, Family Law Council
Following the panel discussion, workshop delegates will have the opportunity to share learnings and plans for implementation and integration of the amendments into daily practice.
The FRSA 2024 National Conference Gala Dinner will be held at the Members Dining Room on Level 2 at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).
The evening will begin at 6:30pm, with welcome drinks and canapes on arrival. Dress code is semi-formal.
Access to the venue
Walking: If you are walking from the Conference Venue (Pullman Melbourne on the Park), cross Wellington Parade and walk down MCC Avenue to enter via Gate 2 and head up to the Members Dining Room on Level 2 using the lifts 5, 6, 7.
Ride share/Taxi: Pickup/dropoff point at Jolimont Street and Jolimont Terrace.
Tram: Wellington Parade Tram – Route 75 and 48 stop 11, Jolimont Station. Walk 120 meters through Yarra Park to the MCG and enter via Gate 2.
Olympic Park Tram – Route 70, stop 7B Rod Laver Arena. Walk up the footbridge to the MCG, enter via Gate 2.
Train: Richmond Train Station – Exit station, cross Punt Rd, walk towards the MCG via Brunton Ave, and enter via Gate 2.
Jolimont Train Station – Exit station, walk 120 meters through Yarra Park to the MCG and enter via Gate 2.
Driving: Enter via Entrance A off Brunton Avenue, the closest lifts are 5, 6, 7 and head up to the Members Dining Room on Level 2.
If you are driving and require car parking, this needs to be pre-arranged with the venue please contact the FRSA Office on 02 6162 1811 by Monday, 6 May 2024 to organise.
View the map below:
FRSA is pleased to announce the availability of bursaries that are available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are registered for or would like to attend the 2024 Family & Relationship Services Australia National Conference, Family & Relationship Services – Valued now and into the future.
Bursaries are provided to assist with covering the cost of conference registration, and travel & accommodation. To be eligible you must be an employee of a fully financial FRSA member organisation. There are two bursaries available. Each package includes:
- 1 x Complimentary full registration to the Conference (including dinner)
- $500 towards travel and accommodation
The application process closes on THURSDAY, 28 March 2024.
Please note, this Bursary Program is open to people who are yet to register and those who are already registered.
Pullman Melbourne on the Park
192 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002
Pullman Melbourne On The Park is poised at the edge of Melbourne’s centre, beside Fitzroy Gardens and opposite Melbourne’s events hub, you can get away without being far away. Delegates can network in the classic Cliveden Bar, recharge with its unpretentious all-day dining, or visit Melbourne’s buzzing centre, only minutes away by foot, tram or train. The guest rooms provide an elegant retreat, with stylish bathrooms and a chaise lounge from which to enjoy the views.
From the Airport
The Conference venue is 25 kilometres from Melbourne International Airport and a short walk from the Jolimont Train Station located just across the road from the hotel.
The SkyBus runs express services between Melbourne Airport and Melbourne CBD (Southern Cross Station) daily from 4am to 1am. SkyBus has stops at Terminals 1, 3 and 4. Tickets are card-only and can be purchased via e-kiosks at the airport, or at For more information about services, fares and schedules, visit the SkyBus website.
Car rental
To hire a car from Melbourne Airport, please visit their website.
Taxis are on hand to pick-up arriving passengers with taxi ranks located close to all Terminals. The Melbourne CBD is approximately a 30-minute fare from Melbourne Airport. Taxi ranks are located on the ground floor outside T1 and in the T4 Transport Hub. For your safety you should not accept any offer of taxi services outside of the designated taxi ranks at Terminals 1 and 4.
Venue Parking
Self-parking is available for $40 overnight. Valet parking is available for $65. Simply drive onto the main hotel u shaped driveway on Wellington Parade and enter the car park on the right hand side of the driveway.
Getting around the city
Melbourne is a compact city best explored on foot where your sense of discovery is heightened by the unique spaces, experiences and hidden gems often stumbled upon along the way. Thanks to its grid layout, navigating is easy and made more inviting by its smart connectivity.
The city’s Free Tram Zone extends from Queen Victoria Market to Docklands, Spring Street, Flinders Street Station and Federation Square. Travel on the City Circle Tram is also free. Hop on and off the historic trams as often as you like. You don’t need a myki card if you’re only travelling in the city’s Free Tram Zone or on the City Circle Tram.
Eat and drink your way through Victoria, from the renowned wineries of the Mornington Peninsula and Yarra Valley to Melbourne’s pop-up restaurants and the Murray’s scenic riverside eateries. Tantalise the senses at inner city pubs, laneway restaurants, hatted dining rooms and homely country hotels. And wash it all down with a pint from a rustic craft brewery.
Experience Melbourne’s mix of cultures in its myriad restaurants, cafes, bistros and bars. Whether you’re after modern, traditional, exotic or homespun flavours – Melbourne’s eclectic dining scene offers a startling array of the world’s great cuisines, from popular favourites to the truly groundbreaking.
Explore Melbourne’s culinary precincts. Go for Italian in Lygon Street, Carlton, Vietnamese in Victoria Street, Richmond, and Lebanese in Sydney Road, Brunswick. Find the best-dumplings in CBD’s Chinatown, and be spoilt for choice in Footscray’s Vietnamese and African restaurants.
Melbourne, Australia’s unrivalled capital of sport, culture, entertainment and style, is one of the world’s premier meeting and convention destinations.
Discover the distinctive flavours, sights and passions of Melbourne’s favourite neighbourhoods.
Spend time in the city centre and you’ll discover pockets of busy, chilled, bohemian, architectural and accidentally cool spaces to explore.
Find art galleries, bars and restaurants – upstairs and down laneways. Stumble upon indie fashion boutiques, artisan workshops, and street artists at work. Wander waterside paths for raspberry ripple sunsets and climb to a rooftop bar for cocktails with a twinkling night sky view.
Just a tram ride away, Melbourne’s city fringe neighbourhoods express themselves differently.
Take your fixie for a spin in the creative northern suburbs. Welcome to the new worlds of Collingwood, Fitzroy, Brunswick and Northcote. Rock on at pubs with live music in Richmond.
South of the river, hop shop-to-shop in South Yarra, Prahran and Toorak. Head to the market in South Melbourne, or take your beach towel to bayside St Kilda and Port Melbourne. Explore more of Melbourne’s neighbourhood expressions.
Inspiring Experiences
Looking for some activities to do pre and post attending the Conference? Be inspired by Melbourne’s creative subculture expressed in its arts, laneways, exquisite food and wine, rooftop bars, fashion and shopping. Get adventurous and soak up the excitement at one of the city’s major events or head out beyond Melbourne to explore one of our spectacular wineries, breathtaking coastlines and Australian native wildlife up-close in their natural habitat.
We’ve listed some inspiring experiences perfect for any pre or post conference or event touring and for corporate reward and incentive programs:
- A foodie haven: From sophisticated dining to festive street eats, Melbourne offers a diverse culinary experience. Head down laneways for multicultural options, the best coffee and hidden foodie sensations. Visit rooftop bars to enjoy a cocktail above the city skyline.
- Encounter Australian wildlife in spectacular locations: The best of Australian native wildlife is on show at three Melbourne zoos and at some of our regional destinations where you can encounter wildlife in their natural habitat including Little Penguins at Phillip Island.
- Explore Australia’s shopping mecca: Venture through laneways, arcades and markets to uncover bespoke boutiques and locally made specialty pieces. Larger department stores and flagship shopping centres offer international labels, giftwares and unique retail experiences.
- Immerse yourself in Melbourne’s cultural heartbeat: Head to the arts and cultural precinct teaming with galleries, museums, theatres and exhibitions offering a mix of local, internationally acclaimed, blockbusters and Melbourne exclusives.
- Winery adventures: Set out on an adventure to the Yarra Valley or Mornington Peninsula, just over an hour from Melbourne’s city centre. Experience the alfresco dining ambience and stunning views as you sample local wines outdoors or at cellar doors. Enjoy dining experiences matching food with local wines.
- Spectacular rugged coastlines: Experience the Great Ocean Road, 243 kilometres (150-miles) of scenic coastline at the southern tip of Australia. See the towering 12 Apostles, get up close to native wildlife, watch iconic surf breaks, visit seaside villages, pristine rainforests and misty waterfalls.
- Embrace the open spaces: Book a tour or hire a car to venture beyond the city to discover stunning landscapes, rich history, spectacular beaches and coastlines, local food and wine and encounter native wildlife. Experience breathtaking forests, rivers and waterways or bathe in the healing thermal spring waters.
- Tee off at one of the best Australian golf courses: With a number of championship golf courses on our doorstep, Melbourne’s Sandbelt Golf Courses are consistently ranked amongst the top golf courses in Australia. Tee off at one of our many acclaimed courses close to the city or in nearby regional destinations.
During your time in Melbourne, immerse yourself in the beauty of Australia’s unique natural environment through a selection of unforgettable experiences that have been especially curated for FRSA Conference attendees. Whether you are looking to extend your trip to Melbourne, or just want to do something outside of the conference hours, why not enhance your trip to explore the wonders of our beautiful city and surrounding areas?
From breathtaking wildlife encounters to cultural excursions, NatureBoss have curated a collection of experiences that reflect the diverse beauty of Australia, with many discounted and exclusive experiences for FRSA Conference attendees.
Click the button below to see all the exclusive tours and experiences on offer.
We have secured rooms at a selection of rooms at the Conference Venue with flexible terms and conditions exclusively for attendees of the FRSA 2024 National Conference. Book early to secure your room and let our dedicated accommodation team look after you whilst taking advantage of the following:
Specially negotiated rates
- Flexibility to change or cancel your booking at any time up to 30 working days prior to FRSA 2024 National Conference start date
- One night’s room rate deposit is all you pay to secure your booking – no full pre-payment needed. Full pre-payment may be made if you prefer.
- Your deposit is fully refundable up to 30 working days prior to FRSA 2024 National Conference start date
- Please note that the hotel may not offer the same rates if you contact them directly.
Need help? Please contact the Conference Secretariat via, or phone on 02 6198 3218.
Reap the benefits of booking with the FRSA 2024 National Conference Managers and staying the officially contracted hotel.
Pullman Melbourne On The Park
192 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne VIC
The Conference venue, with 419 newly refurbished rooms it’s perfectly positioned on the threshold of Melbourne’s business, dining, sports and cultural precincts.
Be inspired by Melbourne’s entrepreneurs and creative thinkers only minutes away by tram or train, where culture, business, cuisine and sports hubs combine to make Melbourne a city of innovation. Flanked by the beautiful tree-lined path of the Fitzroy Gardens, experience the countless diverse and vibrant restaurants in Melbourne CBD only minutes from Pullman Melbourne on the Park.
Superior Guest Room - King or Twin
Room Rate: $269 per night excl Breakfast. SOLD OUT
This perfect sanctuary offers visitors a plush king bed or two singles. Its contemporary elegance features chaise lounge and bathroom with clear-to-opaque switchable privacy glass and walk-in rain shower. Rooms with accessible and ambulant facilities are also available to book.
Mantra on Jolimont
133 Jolimont Rd, East Melbourne VIC 3002
The Mantra on Jolimont is a 10 minute walk (600 metres) from the Conference venue. Just a 10 minute walk from Melbourne CBD and located in the heart of Melbourne’s sporting & entertainment precinct, Mantra on Jolimont is just a stroll from iconic venues such as the famous MCG, AAMI Park, Rod Laver and Hisense Arenas. Breakfast is available for an additional $25.00 per person, per day. Car parking is available at an additional $50.00 per car per night (subject to availability).
1 Bedroom Apartment
Room Rate: $225 per night.
The 1 bedroom apartment has separate lounge with dining area and a fully equipped kitchen. Plus a shared full laundry between every two rooms.
Studio King
Room Rate: $190 per night.
This hotel style room has a kitchenette with tea/coffee making facilities, toaster and Microwave, plus a shared laundry between every two rooms.
Quest East Melbourne
48 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne VIC 3002
Enjoy one of Melbourne’s most treasured and oldest pockets. Quest East Melbourne is located opposite the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and is within walking distance to Federation Square, Melbourne Park, Rod Laver Arena and more. Step out your door and discover Melbourne’s best eateries, bars, pubs and restaurants as well as incredible parkland and its renowned theatre district. All within walking distance. Finally, don’t forget to explore the verdant London-style streets that make East Melbourne such an iconic location.
A 7 minute walk from the Conference venue, Quest East Melbourne offers unique, refurbished apartments with art-deco design and kitchen facilities.
Studio Room
Room Rate: $220 per night. SOLD OUT
Studio rooms have 1 x queen size bed, kitchenette and bathroom. Parking is available for $35 per night. Complimentary wi-fi included
The FRSA Conference is a truly national event, expecting to attract over 550+ delegates from organisations in every state and territory.
The Conference has established a reputation for delivering high quality speakers and presentations relevant to a range of individuals and organisations working in the family and relationship sector. Sponsorship will greatly enhance your organisation’s profile within this sector as well as allowing you to be seen supporting the work of family and relationship services.
Conference delegates have unique exposure to key products and information. In the past, the event has attracted sponsorship from funding bodies, suppliers and training and research institutes. The exhibition space at the FRSA Conference is one of the largest in the sector, with three days of exposure to delegates.
Sponsoring this conference will enable you to:
- Reach up to 500+ senior executives, practitioners, and academics;
- Support the work of family and relationship services;
- Connect to leading Australian NGOs/community organisations;
- Launch or promote new products;
- Invest in knowledge sharing and practice development;
- Showcase your services or contribution to this sector; and
- Expand your networks to create opportunities.
For further information and to discuss how we can assist you to tailor a sponsorship package to ensure your organisation gains maximum benefit from this opportunity, please contact the FRSA Team at, call the FRSA office 02 6162 1811 or complete the form below.
Keep up with the latest Conference news including call for abstracts, registration, accommodation details, special offers for delegates and more!
Just subscribe to our conference email updates below.
Family & Relationship Services Australia (FRSA) is aware that there have been scam/phishing emails doing the rounds offering the FRSA Conference attendee list for purchase.
Please be aware these offers are fraudulent. These scammers do not have any relationship with FRSA or our assisting Conference Organisation, Kaigi Conferencing, and no data breach has been detected that would enable the senders of these emails to access the data they are attempting to sell.
FRSA is very careful with individual/personal data we capture as part of our event offerings. We specifically ask delegates about how we can use their data and seek their permission confirming what information can and can’t be used when building delegate lists. We do not share, rent or sell our email lists.
If you receive an email or phone call about the conference that appears suspicious, please let us know via email
Get social with us! Keep up with the latest updates from the FRSA National Conference 2024 #FRSA2024
CONFERENCE SUPPORTERS - Partners, Sponsors and Exhibitors
Department of Social Services
The Department of Social Services' mission is to improve the wellbeing of individuals and families in Australian communities.
Attorney-General's Department
The Attorney-General's Department delivers programs and policies to maintain and improve Australia's law and justice framework.
Gold Sponsor
Uniting is the services and advocacy arm of the Uniting Church, and is one of NSW and the ACT’s largest providers of independent living and residential aged and health care services.
Gold Sponsor
UnitingCare provides health and community services to thousand of people every day of the year through its service groups.
Silver Sponsor
Drummond Street Services
Drummond Street Services supports families, promotes connected and inclusive communities and drives innovation and research into family support interventions.
Silver Sponsor
Relationships Australia
Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for children, adults, couples, families and communities.
Silver Sponsor
CatholicCare Sydney
Our door has been open for over 80 years to help those dealing with relationships, parenting, ageing, disability, addiction, homelessness, or mental health concerns. With over 70 highly effective support programs, we help people to write the next chapter of their story.
Mobile Office Sponsor
Mobile Office Sponsor
Anglicare Australia
Anglicare Australia is a network of organisations linked to Anglican Church. We are one of Australia’s largest charitable networks, working in every community across the country.
Conference App Sponsor
Conference App Sponsor
Mallee Family Care
A leading human service provider of the Mallee region covering north-west Victoria and far-west New South Wales.
Pre-Conference Workshop Sponsor
Family Law Pre-Conference Workshop Sponsor
Anglicare WA
Anglicare WA is the most diverse community service provider in Western Australia; a values-drive organisation, supporting more than 70,000 people each year through 98 different services in 83 locations.
Lanyard Sponsor & Exhibitor
Lanyard Sponsor and Exhibitor
We provide an online client information platform for human services, working with organisations interested in integrating practice and outcome measurement with client data and related management processes.
Wi-Fi Sponsor
Interrelate is a not-for-profit provider of relationship services that specialises in supporting parents and children.
Relationship Matters
Relationship Matters is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to promote healthy, respectful and fulfilling relationships within the Victorian community.
Strategic Grants
Strategic Grants is the unique provider of grant strategies in Australia and New Zealand, working with for-purpose organisations to build and sustain effective and customised grant-seeking strategies.
54 reasons
54 reasons is Australia’s leading child-rights organisation and is proudly part of Save the Children Australia. We exist so that all children and young people in Australia have their rights met and thrive, in all their diversity, creativity, and curiosity.
Family Life
Family Life is a specialist family services provider working with vulnerable children, families and communities since 1970. At the core of our organisation is our vision to build capable communities, strong families and thriving children.
OurFamilyWizard offers divorced or separated parents an array of tools to easily create an accurate, clear log of co-parenting communication.
International Social Service Australia
International Social Service Australia provides intercountry social work, legal and mediation services for children and families separated by international borders.
CatholicCare NT
With over 30 years experience in the Northern Territory, founded and built on strong values, we are experts in strengthening and empowering people and communities to make difficult situations more manageable.
Parenting Research Centre
The Parenting Research Centre engages in a range of activities to help parents raise children well. Our focus is generating new knowledge of how parenting practices affect children, and how best to engage and support parents in this rewarding but often challenging task.
Emerging Minds
Assisting professionals and organisations who work with children, parents and families to have the skills to identify, assess and support children at risk of mental health conditions.
DataSpark Analytics
DataSpark is a team of highly trained data analysts with experience helping organisations make more informed decisions through their data.
DV-alert Lifeline Australia
DV-alert is a nationally recognised training program with training and assessment delivered by Lifeline Australia.
Reciprocal Sponsor
Reciprocal Sponsor
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Australian Institute of Family Studies is the Australian Government's key research body in the area of family wellbeing.