March 2025
Helping young people Deal With Emotional Overwhelm eWorkshop 25 -Mar -2025
When puberty kicks in, so do the hormones. Bodies change at a rate of knots, unfamiliar feelings pop up, new and interesting ideas develop. Young people literally become strangers to themselves; and they want to find out who they are now. It’s a new, exciting and sometimes overwhelming time. This eWorkshop looks at ways people who work with young people can help them navigate these times. This involves, how we can help them identify their ‘go-to’ people, places and processes…
Find out more »Managing Difficult Calls eWorkshop 26-Mar-2025
This 3-hour webinar is for any staff who may have to manage difficult calls and covers: Preparing for difficult calls; The different types of difficult calls and callers and issues associated with the different types of calls and callers; Managing your own feelings in difficult circumstances; Using language that does not create resistance in the other person; A suggested structure for some difficult conversations and; How to manage different types of calls or callers including people who are angry, distressed,…
Find out more »April 2025
How to Run Successful Training Events eWorkshop – 3rd April – 2025
This practical, three-hour hour webinar will take you step by step through: how to plan an event from start to finish, writing advertising material to promote the event; how to engage any audience, effective presentation skills and; managing large groups. Many staff working in the health, welfare, disability, and aged care sectors are asked to run training. This may be for colleagues, the general public, or clients. This can feel overwhelming if you have not had experience in running training…
Find out more »May 2025
Connecting With ‘Hard-To-Reach’ Young People eWorkshop 22-May-2025
Working with young people who are disengaging from school, family, those who care about them, means doing something unexpected: nothing ‘clever’ but something less likely so we can elicit a response of curiosity; a response of: ‘Okay let’s see…’ Each of the activities in this e workshop aims to, openly and intriguingly, do exactly this. Young people are super-physical, super-influenced by their emotions, and respond super-impulsively to what’s going on around them. This workshop will take you through a process…
Find out more »Please note that posting onto the Events & Training calendar is reserved for FRSA Members only.