
Welcome to 2024

Welcome to 2024! As a kid – I always relished in the ‘getting ready for school’ ritual.  The buying of the books and stationery, collecting magazines to cut out the ‘topic relevant’ pictures for the covering and labelling books – […]


2023 comes to a close

And just like that another year is drawing to a close! We have been beavering away in the FRSA National Office finalising the Conference abstract review process with our review panel and we expect to release the Conference program early […]

FRSA Strategic Leadership Forum

Busy start to Spring

It’s been a busy start to Spring at the FRSA office. Last week we were delighted to welcome FRSA members to our annual Strategic Leadership Forum (SLF). I always love bringing our sector leaders together and harnessing that collective expertise to […]


Spring is upon us

It’s hard to believe that spring is upon us! For some, spring represents a time for a fresh start. It could be just that, as we welcome Prime Minister Albanese’s announcement yesterday of the date of the Referendum for a […]