Next week is National Child Protection Week (5-11 September) and with the recent COVID Delta outbreak in Australia no time, more than now, feels so pressing in ensuring our children are safe and protected. At the recent Annual Meeting of the National Coalition […]
Watching history unfold
My kids love history. Can’t say that I was the same as them when I was at school. My eldest daughter is currently studying tragic events during history (natural and person made) and right now her focus is on the […]
The world keeps turning
Each day seems to bring more sad and confronting news as the latest COVID outbreaks play out. As always, my thoughts are with those of you who are continuing to deliver vital services in challenging circumstances – as well as keeping yourselves […]
Fortitude in the face of ongoing challenges
The past few weeks have certainly presented further challenges with the COVID pandemic. I extend my thoughts, in particular, to FRSA friends and colleagues in Victoria, for whom it must feel like Groundhog Day as the state experiences its fifth […]
National Office is on the move!
National Office is on the move! We have had a busy few weeks here at National Office keeping up with ‘business as usual’ while clearing filing cabinets, packing boxes and organising removalists. We look forward to moving into new premises […]
Telepractice, CIP Forum and more
Back in the very early days of the COVID-19 Pandemic, in mid-late April last year, Professor Bruce Smyth and I were having a bit of a conversation about how the Pandemic lockdown was impacting on the experience of families traversing […]
More than a word. Reconciliation takes action
As reconciliation week draws to a close, I reflect on the generosity, strength and compassion that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians bring to the process of reconciliation. There is much to celebrate on this long, slow journey but still […]
Happy Families Week 2021!
Happy Families Week! Not sure who is going to hate me more for posting this photo – my brother-in-law or my youngest but – I am happy to take the heat. My mum had a significant birthday this year and […]
2021-22 Budget anticipation
As part of FRSA’s submission to DSS’ Consultation “Supporting Improvements to the Families and Children Activity” earlier this year, FRSA did invest a lot of time and energy ‘reimagining’ the Outcomes Framework that is intended to underpin this activity moving […]
It’s time to act
It can be hard not to yield to the weight of political inaction. Last week marked 30 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody handed down its historic report on the deaths of 99 Aboriginal and Torres […]
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