FRSA National Conference 2023
The FRSA National Conference is heralded as a highlight event for the Family and Relationship Services network and is one of the largest annual gatherings of practitioners, academics and policy makers working to support children, families and communities. This ‘not to be missed’ event will feature a number of highly acclaimed keynote presenters, as well as Federal Ministers and sector leaders with a focus on delivering the most effective services to children, families and young people.
As social service organisations we are always at the cutting edge of emerging trends and changes in society – for the FRS sector, especially for vulnerable children, families and communities.
The theme for the FRSA National Conference 2023 – Services within everyone’s reach: choice, connection, collaboration and will be held at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre on 15-18 May 2023.
Family and relationship services are generally touted as early intervention, universally accessible services – that is, services targeted to whole communities or populations with the aim of providing support early, before problems take too strong a hold or perhaps even occur.
But in our current context with the cost-of-living skyrocketing, families still reeling from the impacts of COVID-19, and many of our communities in or recovering from climate-related crises, what impact is this having on service delivery and service demand? Who are our services connecting with? And, how are those people faring? Are there cohorts of people who are missing out on the services they need?
Connection is at the heart of all positive human interactions and the relationship between service providers and the children, adults and families they work with is no different. Establishing rapport and trust is integral to therapeutic interventions, while developing meaningful social connections helps build resilience in individuals and in communities. To enable connection, people may need choice. That is, the opportunity to connect with the right service or the right practitioner and be met in their context – cultural, social, familial.
As we continue to face uncertainty, some tough times – and hopefully moments of calm and of joy – we ask our sector to reflect on the question: what does it really mean to put services within everyone’s reach?

This is an Australian Community Workers Association endorsed CPD event. Members can claim Continuing Professional development (CPD) hours for their participation.
To read the abstracts of the presentations or view the PowerPoint presentations from Conference, download the PDF version of the program below and click on the session you are interested in.
Please note:
- Program is subject to change
- Optional cost Pre-Conference workshops are on Monday 15 May 2023
- The Conference begins on 16-18 May 2023

Attorney-General, The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP

The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP

Catherine Liddle

Micaela Cronin

Jess Hill

Anne Hollonds
Panel Chair

Samantha Page

Tarja Saastamoinen

Professor Ben Mathews

Professor Catherine Chamberlain

Annette Michaux

Dr Rae Kaspiew
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter/Panel Chair

Chris Collett

The Honourable John Faulks

Dr Georgina Dimopoulos

Megan Solomon

Tracy Hardy
Pre-Conference Workshop facilitator

Danielle Cameron
Pre-Conference Workshop facilitator

Sharnee Moore
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter

Kat Goldsworthy
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter

Dr Andrew Bickerdike
Pre-Conference Workshop panellist

Zoe Locke
Pre-Conference Workshop panellist

Melanie Pearse
Pre-Conference Workshop panellist

Richard Johnson
Pre-Conference Workshop panellist

Dr April O’Mara
Pre-Conference Workshop panellist

Anne-Marie Rice
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter

Rebecca Mills
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter

Sue Christophers
Pre-Conference Workshop facilitator

Tanya Brooks-Cooper
Pre-Conference Workshop facilitator

Karen Russell
Pre-Conference Workshop facilitator

Camilla Krauze
Pre-Conference Workshop facilitator

Matthew Cox
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter

Dr Rhiannon Parker
Pre-Conference Workshop presenter
Sponsored by Mallee Family Care

The Conference App is the central hub for all information about the Conference: program, abstracts, speaker information, venue information, sponsors, updates and more.
You can curate your own personal Conference program, use the Q&A function to ask questions during sessions, evaluate sessions in real time, take notes directly in the app and download them after the event and connect with fellow delegates.
Watch our video guide on how to download and use the app below:
How to download the App:
- Search for ‘the Events App by EventsAIR’ in the App or Google Play store
- Enter the Event Code: FRSA2023
- Login using the email address you registered to the Conference with
- Enter your unique individual PIN provided below or ask the Kaigi team at the registration desk for assistance
Once you’re logged in, you’ll have all the information you need to enhance your conference experience in the palm of your hand.
App features:
- Create My Program, your own personalised agenda by “starring” the presentations you don’t want to miss.
- Ask presenters questions during their sessions and presenters can type their own responses.
- Evaluate session presentations in real time through the Concurrent Session Surveys
- Network and connect with other attendees via the Connect feature.
- Share your contact details with other attendees with your unique Contact QR Code, and then export a list of your new contacts and have them emailed directly to your inbox.
- Make notes on each presentation you attend and export all your notes directly to your inbox.
- View details of Sponsors and Exhibitors. Make sure you visit the exhibition booths and take part in our Exhibitor Booth Competition to go in the running to win a prize.
Click a Conference day to expand and view the photos from the FRSA National Conference 2023.
If you would like a high resolution copy of any of the Conference photos, please contact the FRSA team at communications@frsa.org.au.
Registration for the FRSA 2023 National Conference is CLOSED.
Please note that all persons intending to attend the Conference must register, including invited speakers, chairpersons and media. Please register via the buttons below.
Early Bird Registration Fee* Until 14 March 2023 21 March 2023ENDED
Member Rates | Non-Member Rates | |
Complete Conference Experience – Including dinner | $995.00 | $1,295.00 |
Conference Only – No dinner | $920.00 | $1,220.00 |
* To be entitled to the early bird registration fee you must have registered and paid by 22 March 2023.
Standard Registration Fee From 22 March 2023
Member Rates | Non-Member Rates | |
Complete Conference Experience – Including dinner | $1,245.00 | $1,495.00 |
Conference Only – No dinner | $1,170.00 | $1,420.00 |
Onsite Registration Fee Applicable** From 15 May 2023
Member Rates | Non-Member Rates | |
Complete Conference Experience – Including dinner | $1,395.00 | $1,645.00 |
Conference Only – No dinner | $1,320.00 | $1,570.00 |
**Registration received within this time period prior to the Conference going onsite receive an additional fee of $150.00
Speaker Registration*** opens 6 February 2023
All speakers must be registered by 14 March 2023
Member Rates | Non-Member Rates | |
Speaker Complete Conference Experience – Including dinner | $885.00 | $1,070.00 |
Speaker Conference Only – No dinner | $810.00 | $995.00 |
***After 14 March 2023 Standard rates apply to Speakers
Pre-Conference Workshops – FRSA MEMBERS ONLY
Member Rates | |
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Workshop | $175.00 |
Family Law Workshop (All Day) | $175.00 |
Communities for Children Facilitating Partners (CfC FP) Workshop | $175.00 |
Australian Institute of Family Studies (Half Day Workshop – AM or PM) | $130.00 |
Group Registrations
FRSA 2023 is pleased to offer FRSA Members the opportunity to register five (5) participants and receive the sixth registration complimentary. To be eligible for the complimentary registration, you must register your five (5) participants using the link below. Instructions on how to register your complimentary registration will be provided on the confirmation email. Interested in becoming an FRSA Member? Visit our Membership page.
Please note: When registering the 6 for 5, to receive the 6th registration free the same registration type must be purchased for the entire group.
Need help? Please contact the Conference Secretariat via frsa@kaigi.com.au, or phone on 02 6198 3218.
Thanks to the generous support of Relationships Australia – this year’s Ochre Conference Sponsor – FRSA is pleased to announce that four bursaries are available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are registered for or would like to attend the 2023 Family & Relationship Services Australia National Conference, Services within everyone’s reach: choice, connection, collaboration.
Bursaries are provided to assist with covering the cost of conference registration, and travel & accommodation to an amount of $500 per recipient. To be eligible you must be an employee of a fully financial FRSA member organisation.
To apply download the application form below and submit the form to Robyn Clough at policy@frsa.org.au or you can complete the form online. The applications close Wednesday, 5 April 2023. Recipients will be notified by Tuesday 11 April 2023.
Please note, this Bursary Program is open to people who are yet to register and those who are already registered.
Brought to you by our Ochre Sponsor:

Pre-conference Workshops will be held on Monday, 15 May 2023, commencing at 10am. This years National Conference will comprise of four workshops. More details on each workshop below. Please note all Pre-Conference Workshops are for FRSA Members only.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Workshop - Dadirri: Ancient Aboriginal Mindfulness Traditions
Facilitators: Tracy Hardy & Danielle Cameron, We Al-li
Dadirri has been called “the Aboriginal gift”. It is inner deep listening and quiet, still awareness-something like what you would call contemplation. This training introduces Dadirri as the core of all We Al-li practices and skill-based learning outcomes. Dadirri provides the foundation for culturally safe practices and establishes a respectful healing environment for skills transference in all We Al-li professional development trainings.
Learning to communicate with ourselves and each other at deep levels is primary to effective practice. Participants are introduced to many key therapeutic approaches used by We Al-li including story mapping, sand-play, music, art therapy, movement and guided imagery.
The main aim of this workshop is to locate the ancient Aboriginal tradition of mindfulness within the work of trauma recovery in Australia and elsewhere.
The workshop objectives are to establish principles of practice, using mindfulness in self-care and in the development of communities of care, and communities of practice in all trauma recovery work.
This workshop is open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous people.
Communities for Children Facilitating Partners (CfC FP) Workshop - TBC
The Communities for Children Facilitating Partner (CfC FP) Workshop has been designed with the help of CfC Facilitating Partners and will be co-facilitated by CfC Facilitating Partners including:
- Sue Christophers, Anglicare SA
- Tanya Brooks-Cooper, The Salvation Army Tasmania
- Karen Russell, The Smith Family
- Camilla Krauze, Anglicare NT
This workshop provides an opportunity for Facilitating Partners to come together to network with colleagues, share ideas, explore issues, and discuss opportunities to bring the CfC network together in the future.
Workshop delegates will also hear from three guest speakers:
- Matthew Cox, Executive Director of the Bryan Foundation. Previously Matthew was the founding Executive Director at Logan Together, a large place-based child development initiative based in Logan, south of Brisbane.
- Dr Rhiannon Parker, Centre for Social Impact, UNSW and author of the Community Strengthening Evidence Review
- Sharnee Moore, Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), who will outline the resources and support AIFS can offer CfC Facilitating Partners.
The Workshop promises to be a thought-provoking and exciting day for workshop participants.
Family Law Workshop
The Family Law Workshop will include presentations on key topics as well as plenty of opportunity for participants to discuss current and emerging issues for Family Law services and professionals.
In November 2018, the Government announced it would provide additional funding to help keep families out of court. This included $13 million each year to the 65 Family Relationship Centres (FRCs) to deliver property mediation, $10.3m in new funding for Legal Aid Commissions to conduct a two-year trial of lawyer-assisted property mediation, and $5.9 million for small claims property pilots – Priority Property Pools Under $500,000 (PPP500).
The morning session will begin with a presentation by Dr Rae Kaspiew from the Australian Institute of Family Studies titled, Evaluation of the Lawyer-Assisted Family Law Property Mediation: Legal Aid Commission Trial. Rae will share key findings from the evaluation of this trial, with a focus on insights that may be of particular interest to FRSA Members.
The funding for property mediation for FRCs was described as ‘ongoing’ and therefore, unlike the lawyer assisted property mediation pilot and the PPP500 pilots announced at the same time, property mediation through the FRCs has not been evaluated. This does leave an evidence gap and we see the value of focusing attention on this space. The review of the Family Relationship Services Program, advised by the Attorney-General’s Department earlier this year provides further impetus for the FRSA Membership to start thinking collectively about property mediation.
Following her presentation, Rae will chair a panel discussion, Family Relationship Centres – Property mediation: taking stock, with Members from the FRSA network.
- Andrew Bickerdike, Relationships Australia Victoria
- Zoe Locke, CatholicCare Social Services Toowoomba
- Melanie Pearse, Anglicare WA
- Richard Johnson, UnitingCare
- April O’Mara, Centacare Brisbane
This panel discussion provides an opportunity for Members to speak candidly about what is working, what could be improved or done differently and how well property mediation is sitting with other family law and family relationship service offerings. There will be plenty of opportunity for all Workshop attendees to share their experiences and ideas.
The afternoon session will commence with a presentation from Senior Judicial Register, Anne-Marie Rice, who will discuss innovations to reduce risk and enhance safety in the Federal Circuit and Family Court. This session will provide an opportunity to consider the intersection of the Court’s changes with the broader family law system. Following this, Rebecca Mills, Acting Assistant Secretary Family Law Branch, Attorney-General’s Department, will provide a briefing on matters of interest, concluding with a Q&A session.
Balancing reporting requirements and meaningful data collection. How to make data work for you and your funders
Presenters: Sharnee Moore and Kat Goldsworthy, Australian Institute of Family Studies
Families and children services are operating in a landscape that increasingly values monitoring and evaluation data. Many services are now required to use a variety of assessment tools, reporting systems and frameworks that drive data collection. But how do these various frameworks and systems interact, how are they operationalised, and what does this mean for practitioners who are trying to collect and interpret data about their programs and clients?
This workshop will help service providers to:
- Use program logic models/theory of change to choose measurable outcomes that can provide important program insights and meet other reporting requirements
- identify suitable data collection tools and methods
- operationalise the Families and Children (FaC) Activity Outcomes Framework.
The session will also consider how key reporting frameworks developed by the Department of Social Services interact with each other and can be used to guide meaningful data collection activities. For example, the FaC Activity Outcomes Framework and the DSS Data Exchange and SCORE reporting guidelines.
The presenters will also explore common sticking points and challenges for collecting and reporting data and discuss ways of overcoming them.
The session will be interactive and will involve practical exercises and discussion. It will be particularly useful for FaC Activity service providers who are interested in building on what they already do and for those collecting data about their programs without a clear purpose or framework for using that data.
You must have an up-to-date program logic model/theory of change to attend this workshop. Having some familiarity with DSS reporting frameworks is also desirable.
Please note this workshop will be two repeated half day workshops, you can choose either the morning (10am – 1pm) or afternoon session (2pm – 5:30pm).
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC)
2684-2690 Gold Coast Hwy, Broadbeach QLD 4218
A premier Gold Coast venue where large-scale national and international conferences and exhibitions roll out seamlessly from beginning to end; a concert and sporting event destination where every seat is the best seat in the house; a place where the standard and presentation of every dish showcases the creativity and passion of its experienced team of award-winning chefs.
Located in the heart of Broadbeach, just 500 metres to the beach and walking distance to thousands of accommodation options, GCCEC is Australia’s largest regional convention centre.
Accessibility Information
The Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre is committed to providing access that is open, safe and inclusive for all visitors. Designed with accessibility in mind, the venue offers entry to and movement throughout the Centre via wheelchair and mobility equipment.
This guide aims to accurately describe and provide an overview of the venue’s facilities and services in house and the surrounding areas.

The Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC) is an industry leader in environmental innovation. GCCEC embraces the governing principles of sustainable development including stewardship, inclusivity, integrity and transparency.
In 2018, GCCEC became ‘EarthCheck Platinum’ certified in recognition of its commitment to operating at the world’s highest environmental standard. EarthCheck is the world’s pre-eminent environmental management program for the travel and tourism sectors.
The team is firmly committed to the continued cultivation of environmental and social stewardship and strongly supports eco-friendly practices, both operationally and in design.
Best practices at GCCEC include:
- Waste minimisation and reduction of consumables
- Integrated communication systems to control energy consumption and building services
- On-site grey water recycling and management system
- Working with supply chains to develop broader sustainable closed-loop systems
- Procurement of environmentally friendly products and packaging

From the Airport
Getting here is easy with two international airports nearby. GCCEC is located just 20 minutes drive from Gold Coast Airport and less than an hour form Brisbane.
The trainline connects Gold Coast stations to Brisbane CBD. For the most convenient route to the centre from Brisbane, catch the Tram at the Helensvale Train station stop and ride the G:link to Broadbeach North station.
Surfside Buslines operate frequently from the bus stop outside GCCEC on Gold Coast Highway.
For more details on bus or train or to plan your journey visit the translink website.
G:Link Light Rail
The Gold Coast’s G:link light rail system is a 13-kilometre corridor connecting Helensvale Train Station to Broadbeach, passing through the key activity centres of Surfers Paradise and Southport. To access GCCEC, ride the G:link to the Broadbeach North Station, just across the road from the main entrance on Gold Coast Highway. For more details visit https://ridetheg.com.au/
Services frequent GCCEC and its convenient location alongside Gold Coast Highway. If you would like to organise a taxi service when at GCCEC, ask at the reception desk or use the courtesy phone located in the foyer.
Undercover car spaces are available for short-term parking, including two EV chargers. A $12 inclusive of GST flat rate is charged for parking at the centre. Clearance height: 2.1 metres.
Car rental

The Gold Coast has some exceptional modern Australian cuisine and Asian food that will have your tastebuds indebted to you for some time. The large Japanese population of the Gold Coast (both permanent and transient) means there are plenty of fantastic, cheap sushi places and the competition among restaurants is fierce, so the quality is usually locally grown or fished and excellent.
The Broadbeach CBD has become the premier eating spot on the Gold Coast and has a great range of cuisines and price points on offer, with a variety of restaurants lining Victoria Avenue and within the new Oracle precinct. Nobbys Beach and Burleigh also have a good selection of dining spots, not to mention the main shopping centres housing some great choices – grab a bite to eat before seeing a movie or after a day of shopping.
Tedder Avenue in Main Beach, is a popular dining strip where about 20 top restaurants and bars sit side by side on either side of the street. Surfers Paradise has more places to choose from, but they are scattered across wider geography and there is no specific dining ‘strip’.
If you’re after a cheap meal by the ocean pretty much all of the surf clubs (found in every oceanside suburb of the Coast) have a bistro where no matter what you choose you’ll find a huge pile of great food sitting on your plate for less than $20. Menu options are generally limited to chicken parmigiana, steak, fish and chips, spaghetti marinara or the seafood platter, but you can’t beat the quality, value and view.
Click here to view some popular dining options on the Gold Coast

When guests are on the Gold Coast there is no better place to start than the beaches. Up and down the 57 kilometre long coastline guests are spoilt for choice when it comes to warm sand and sparkling water. Soak up the sun, enjoy the water and rest on the soft sand.
If becoming one with nature sounds more appealing, then Burleigh Heads National Park serves up picturesque views of the coastline, secret pathways to hidden creeks, wildlife viewing and a walking trail.
Wanting to explore further afield? The Gold Coast Hinterland will always be a memorable experience. Overflowing with national parks, vineyards and farmers markets against a backdrop of luscious foliage, it is a sight to behold.
The Gold Coast provides the perfect hub for business and leisure, and GCCEC is right in the heart of all the action.
There are plenty of attractions right here on the Gold Coast. From glittering beaches to excellent bars and thrilling theme parks to cultural venues, there is something to cater for everyone.
We have secured rooms at a selection of rooms at the Conference Venue with flexible terms and conditions exclusively for attendees of the FRSA 2023 National Conference. Book early to secure your room and let our dedicated accommodation team look after you whilst taking advantage of the following:
Specially negotiated rates
- Flexibility to change or cancel your booking at any time up to 30 working days prior to FRSA 2023 National Conference start date
- One night’s room rate deposit is all you pay to secure your booking – no full pre-payment needed. Full pre-payment may be made if you prefer.
- Your deposit is fully refundable up to 30 working days prior to FRSA 2023 National Conference start date
- Please note that the hotel may not offer the same rates if you contact them directly.
Need help? Please contact the Conference Secretariat via frsa@kaigi.com.au, or phone on 02 6198 3218.
Reap the benefits of booking with the FRSA 2023 National Conference Managers and staying the officially contracted hotel below:

Mantra Broadbeach on the Park
?2685 Gold Coast Hwy, 4218 Broadbeach, Australia
Situated on Victoria Park in the chic Broadbeach area, Mantra Broadbeach on the Park offers guests comfort and style in a premium location. The property is a 5 minute walk from Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Wifi is available at a cost of $10 per day. Parking is complimentary onsite. Housekeeping is weekly. Please note there is no onsite food and beverage outlet onsite, but supermarkets and restaurants are a short walk away.
** Rates are based on a 3-night minimum stay **
1 Bedroom Apartment
Room Rate: $225 per night.
This spacious 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom fully self contained apartment features a large balcony, in-room spa bath, ducted air-conditioning, fully equipped kitchen with modern appliances. The open plan design offers comfort and direct access to the Broadbeach precinct. Available with 1 queen bed.
2 Bedroom Apartment
Room Rate: $295 per night.
Relax in this 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom fully self contained apartment which features a large balcony, in -room spa bath, fully equipped kitchen and ducted airconditioning with modern appliances.

Mantra Sierra Grand
? 22 Surf Parade, Broadbeach, Australia
Soaring 30 levels above the Gold Coast is Mantra Sierra Grand, one of Broadbeach’s best hotel accommodation choices. Within walking distance of award winning restaurants, Pacific Fair Shopping Centre and the Star Gold Coast. 11 minute walk from the Conference venue, the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Mantra Sierra Grand offers a great range of Broadbeach accommodation. Resort facilities include a fully equipped gym, in-house theatre, and full size tennis court along with seasonally heated swimming pools, sauna and a steam room. Wifi is available at a cost of $10 per day. Parking is complimentary onsite. Housekeeping is weekly. Please note there is no onsite food and beverage outlet onsite, but supermarkets and restaurants are a short walk away.
** Rates are based on a 3-night minimum stay **
1 Bedroom Apartment
Room Rate: $225 per night
1 Bedroom Apartments boast spectacular hinterland and city views, featuring contemporary furnishings, private balcony, air conditioning, full kitchen and laundry. The 1 Bedroom Apartment includes access to WiFi (at an additional cost), complimentary parking for 1 vehicle and numerous resort facilities.
2 Bedroom Apartment
Room Rate: $295 per night
2 Bedroom Apartments boast spectacular hinterland and city views, featuring contemporary furnishings, private balcony, two bathrooms, air conditioning, full kitchen and laundry. The 2 Bedroom Apartment includes access to WiFi (at an additional cost), complimentary parking for 1 vehicle and numerous resort facilities.
2 Bedroom Apartment - Ocean View
Room Rate: $325 per night
2 Bedroom Ocean Apartments boast breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, featuring contemporary furnishings, private balcony, two bathrooms with bathtub in ensuite, air conditioning, full kitchen and laundry. The 2 Bedroom Ocean Apartment includes access to WiFi (at an additional cost), complimentary parking for 1 vehicle and numerous resort facilities.

Peppers Broadbeach
? 21 Elizabeth Ave, 4218 Broadbeach, Australia
The sculpted towers of Peppers Broadbeach soar above the Gold Coast city skyline, with panoramic views to the Pacific Ocean and Gold Coast Hinterland from your Broadbeach accommodation. Experience a high-tech, high-end lifestyle in one of the luxurious new breed of Gold Coast resorts. In the heart of contemporary Broadbeach, Peppers Broadbeach is centrally located just 25 minutes from the Gold Coast Airport and 10 minute walk from the Conference venue, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The towers of the resort reflect the fluidity of the ocean’s tides, and you will be met at the door of this premium Broadbeach accommodation with first class service and expedient check-in facilities.
1 Bedroom Suite
Room Rate: $350 per night
One Bedroom Suites boast a full kitchen with European appliances, laundry facilities, spacious lounge and dining area, study and a private balcony showing aspects of the city, hinterland and street from Tower Two. Includes a private ensuite, and plush king zip bed
Room Size: From 79 square metres (including balcony)
2 Bedroom Ocean Suite
Room Rate: $620 per night
Two Bedroom Ocean Suites are the perfect luxury escape with a large private balcony and stunning views out to the Pacific Ocean from your living room and balcony in a Tower Two apartment. These suites feature exceptional interior design with European appliances, imported stone bench tops and premium fittings throughout. The main bedroom features a lavish king zip bed and private ensuite with a separate shower and bath. There is also a second bathroom with a walk in shower.
Room Size: From 119 square metres (including balcony)
2 Bedroom Suite
Room Rate: $545 per night
Two Bedroom Suites are sleek and stylish with European appliances, spacious lounge and dining area and private balcony showing aspects of the city, hinterland and street. The main bedroom features a lavish king zip bed and private ensuite with a separate shower and bath. There is also a second bathroom with a walk in shower.
Room Size: From 119 square metres (including balcony)

Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach
? 81 Surf Parade, Broadbeach QLD 4218
Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach puts you at the heart of Broadbeach and mere steps from the ocean. Just a 7 minute walk from the hotel is the Conference venue, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, while luxury shopping at Pacific Fair Shopping Centre is less than ten minutes away.
Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach is only a 30-minute drive from Gold Coast Airport and a 90-minute drive from Brisbane Airport. Onsite parking is available at the hotel.
Standard Room
Room Rate: $299 per night
Take in sweeping views of the Nerang River and the Gold Coast hinterland from your private balcony as the sun slowly sinks beneath the horizon.
Breakfast available for $35 per person
Room size: 37sqm

Crowne Plaza Surfers Paradise
? 2807 Gold Coast Hwy, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
Towering over the stretch of coastline, Crowne Plaza Surfers Paradise is nestled between the Cavill Avenue entertainment strip and Broadbeach’s premier local shopping and dining scene, with the G-link tram at the doorstep. It’s a 15 minute walk from the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Standard Room
Room Rate: $195 per night
Enjoy a superior night’s sleep in a large and comfortable king-sized bed. Relax on the balcony with garden or partial ocean views. Room amenities include LCD TV, mini bar fridge, tea & coffee making facilities, table and chairs, and bathtub with a separate shower.
Twin Room
Room Rate: $195 per night
Twin Standard Rooms feature two comfortable double beds and a balcony with garden or pool views. Room amenities include LCD TV, mini bar fridge, tea & coffee making facilities, table and chairs, and bathtub with a separate shower.

voco Gold Coast
? 31 Hamilton Ave, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
Enjoy stylish, comfortable and unstuffy guest rooms and suites, finished with thoughtful voco® touches, including plush bedding, complimentary WiFi, and deluxe bathroom amenities. Experience a Gold Coast hotel with a twist, where the coffee is always fresh, the food always delicious, and the atmosphere always welcoming.
The hotel is 2 stops on the light rail from the Conference venue, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (10 minutes) or a leisurely 30 minute walk.
Standard Room
Room Rate: $195 per night, inclusive of daily breakfast for 1
Room Size: 27 sq m
The FRSA Conference is a truly national event, expecting to attract over 550+ delegates from organisations in every state and territory.
The Conference has established a reputation for delivering high quality speakers and presentations relevant to a range of individuals and organisations working in the family and relationship sector. Sponsorship will greatly enhance your organisation’s profile within this sector as well as allowing you to be seen supporting the work of family and relationship services.
Conference delegates have unique exposure to key products and information. In the past, the event has attracted sponsorship from funding bodies, suppliers and training and research institutes. The exhibition space at the FRSA Conference is one of the largest in the sector, with three days of exposure to delegates.
Sponsoring this conference will enable you to:
- Reach up to 500+ senior executives, practitioners, and academics;
- Support the work of family and relationship services;
- Connect to leading Australian NGOs/community organisations;
- Launch or promote new products;
- Invest in knowledge sharing and practice development;
- Showcase your services or contribution to this sector; and
- Expand your networks to create opportunities.
For further information and to discuss how we can assist you to tailor a sponsorship package to ensure your organisation gains maximum benefit from this opportunity, please contact the FRSA Team at events@frsa.org.au, call the FRSA office 02 6162 1811 or complete the form below.
Keep up with the latest Conference news including call for abstracts, registration, accommodation details, special offers for delegates and more!
Just subscribe to our conference email updates below.
Get social with us! Keep up with the latest updates from the FRSA National Conference 2023 #FRSA2023
CONFERENCE SUPPORTERS - Partners, Sponsors and Exhibitors
Attorney-General's Department
The Attorney-General's Department delivers programs and policies to maintain and improve Australia's law and justice framework.
Department of Social Services
The Department of Social Services' mission is to improve the wellbeing of individuals and families in Australian communities.
Ochre Sponsor and Exhibitor
Ochre Sponsor and Exhibitor
Relationships Australia
Relationships Australia is a leading provider of relationship support services for children, adults, couples, families and communities.
Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Uniting is the services and advocacy arm of the Uniting Church, and is one of NSW and the ACT’s largest providers of independent living and residential aged and health care services.
Gold Sponsor
Interrelate is a not-for-profit provider of relationship services that specialises in supporting parents and children.
Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Drummond Street Services
Drummond Street Services supports families, promotes connected and inclusive communities and drives innovation and research into family support interventions.
Silver Sponsor
CatholicCare Social Services Southwest Queensland
We provides a range of services to promote individual, family and community wellbeing. Their mission to empower individuals, families and communities to overcome the challenges of life underpins their successful provision of services throughout the Southwest.
Silver Sponsor
eSafety Commissioner
The eSafety Commissioner is Australia’s national independent regulator for online safety. Its mission is to keep Australians safe online by preventing and addressing online harms, including the removal of harmful content from online platforms.
Mobile Office Sponsor
Mobile Office Sponsor
Anglicare Australia
Anglicare Australia is a network of organisations linked to Anglican Church. We are one of Australia’s largest charitable networks, working in every community across the country.
Conference App Sponsor
Conference App Sponsor
Mallee Family Care
A leading human service provider of the Mallee region covering north-west Victoria and far-west New South Wales.
Pre-Conference Workshop Sponsor
Family Law Pre-Conference Workshop Sponsor
Anglicare WA
Anglicare WA is the most diverse community service provider in Western Australia; a values-drive organisation, supporting more than 70,000 people each year through 98 different services in 83 locations.
Lanyard Sponsor and Exhibitor
Lanyard Sponsor and Exhibitor
We provide an online client information platform for human services, working with organisations interested in integrating practice and outcome measurement with client data and related management processes.
Global Training & Professional Development
Global Training & Professional Development provides the expertise and experience to build individuals and teams to perform at their optimum and to drive organisational and personal success.
Emerging Minds
Assisting professionals and organisations who work with children, parents and families to have the skills to identify, assess and support children at risk of mental health conditions.
OurFamilyWizard offers divorced or separated parents an array of tools to easily create an accurate, clear log of co-parenting communication.
Community Data Solutions
Community Data Solutions provides affordable case management solutions for the Community Sector. We help organisations collect data, meet reporting requirements and manage stakeholder communications.
Reciprocal Sponsor
Reciprocal Sponsor
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Australian Institute of Family Studies is the Australian Government's key research body in the area of family wellbeing.