Looking forward to 2022

I have been reading with interest AIFS’ recent ‘Families in Australia Survey’ report – focusing on ‘Relationships within the family’. Unsurprisingly and pretty resoundingly – the Report highlights the importance of families and relationships and the important role they play in the wellbeing of individuals. I think that the whole COVID-19 experience – even though felt differently in Australia depending on which state/territory you live in – further emphasised and highlighted this importance. I am a softie at the best of times, so the images from earlier this week of families and friends reuniting after the Queensland border opened were so reflective of the intense emotions being felt and expressed by people seeing each other after so long apart.

The ‘COVID tentacles’ are increasing the complexity of children, women and men our services are seeing with demand being felt at unprecedented levels in many programs in numerous areas across the nation. We have embarked on important conversations in the sector around telepractice and service demand which have been tested and challenge by COVID-19 and look forward to continuing to influence thinking around these issues in the new year.

Whilst funding for family and relationship services is now secured for the next 3-5 years, we know that current funding levels are inadequate for keeping pace with costs. We are also contending with workforce shortages in our sector given the skills we rely on are also in high demand in other sectors such as mental health and family violence.

Throughout 2021, FRSA has been continuing to support our members who have been working hard to support children, families and communities across Australia. Working remotely in support of our sector has taught us that much is possible via technology but I must concede that I am missing being out and about in the services – I do hope that 2022 raises the prospects of this happening once again. We also remain confident that the FRSA Conference in Adelaide, 16-19 May 2022 will go ahead as currently planned. We received a record number of abstracts and the FRSA Conference Reference Committee members are busily reviewing those ahead of the year’s end. We are aiming to have notifications out to authors in early January with a Conference program published shortly thereafter.

None of this is possible without the ongoing support and engagement of our members. I continue to say that as a peak – we are nothing without our membership. So, thank you. MY thanks also to the FRSA Board for your ongoing strategic vision and leadership of the organisation. And, of course, to my staff – for your unwavering commitment and dedication to your work and the sector.

Even with all the uncertainty circling around at the moment – I am so looking forward to Christmas. Last year went a bit pear shaped with all the border closures so being with my nearest and dearest was not possible – as was the experience for many, many people. However, my heart is filled with hope that this year will be different and we will be able to come together at Christmas/New Year in love and friendship.

May I extend my best wishes to all of you for a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

The FRSA National office will close from 1pm Friday 24 December and will re-open on Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Read the full eBulletin