Strategic Plan 2023-2027 launched

The past few years have been tumultuous for everyone. In the wake of the 2019-20 bushfires and floods and as the states and territories began moving in and out of COVID lockdowns, the FRSA Board recognised that Australian children, adults and families were going to be impacted in unparalleled ways.

The immediate focus was, of course, attending to the challenges that the pandemic was generating for our members, working on the frontline.

Accordingly, the Board guided the organisation, successfully navigating pandemic related challenges, while looking firmly ahead. The result was the creation of a new five-year Strategic Plan for 2023-27.

The first question the Board asked is to what extent does our vision reflect all we have learnt over the past 15 years – the ways in which our thinking and practice has been challenged and has consequentially changed?

That vision was:

The wellbeing of all children, families and communities in Australia is supported and protected.

On reflection, we realised this vision was a little paternalistic and limiting. Of course we want the children, young people and adults we work with to be safe, but we also want them to thrive – to have opportunities and choice and agency. We know that family and relationship services work with, and build on, the strengths that exist within those individuals and families and communities.

FRSA has a new vision:

An Australia where children, families and communities are safe, strong and thriving.

Our future success will be judged by the influence it has on the quality and effectiveness of family and relationship services and the efficacy of national policies and programs.

FRSA exists for our Members and for the children, families and communities they work with and we look forward to continuing the journey with our sector over the next five years. Read the full Strategic Plan here.