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Relationships Australia South Australia

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49a Orsmond Street Hindmarsh
Adelaide, South Australia 5007 Australia
82458100 https://www.socialrelations.edu.au

August 2019

Advanced Strategies to Manage Implicit Biases – Workshop

August 6, 2019 @ 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm AEST
Relationships Australia South Australia, 49a Orsmond Street Hindmarsh
Adelaide, South Australia 5007 Australia
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$110 – $150

Develop your leadership skills to manage implicit biases and deal with conflict. Build teams and a workplace culture of diversity and inclusivity. Presented by Dr Benjamin Reese, clinical psychologist and Vice President for Institutional Equity at Duke University and Duke University Health System. His office oversees diversity, inclusion, affirmative action/ equal opportunity activities and harassment/discrimination prevention for the university and the health system. He has more than 45 years’ experience in the fields of implicit bias, race relations and diversity…

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